We are all capable of connecting to the Source energy and know for ourselves the answers we seek. All are always connected to the Source and need only ask for what you want and allow your heart to listen.

Here are messages from Spirit guides, angels, star beings meant to give love, support, compassion, understanding and even humor to all who read them. Namaste.

Photo by Michael Cappuccino

The time is now for releasing the past, it is over and done. You can only affect change in your life by being in the NOW and focusing on what you do want in your life.

Late in January a number of planets will be in aligment: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Venus, Neptune, and Saturn. Heightened cosmic energy can boost intuition and can also promote changes you want to make in your life.

First - be good to yourself - love, respect and honor YOU - know that you are deserving of all good things and allow them to come to you. Open your heart and your spirit to receive Divine Energy and accept with gratitude. You have to take care of yourself first and then you will be able to assist others. 

You also need clarity on what you DO WANT in your life. Know what you want so you can focus your energy/thoughts and attract them. If you are unclear of your goals, then the energy waits for you to know so they can help you make it happen.

Take time each morning and evening, just a few minutes each time, to connect with the earth and the stars and center your energy, breathe, "talk" with your guides and ask them to help you go forward with confidence to bring onto you path ALL good things you desire.

Be in the Light and know that you are One with all that is.

FALL 2024 - Harvesting and Remembering
We are riding high on an energy wave that surrounds Earth and all her wonderful people. Feel the energy emanating from all of nature, which includes you. Harvest this energy and reflect on your accomplishments so far. Humans are natural energy and breathe in harmony with Universal Source, the energy of the Divine, you are an integral part it. 

In that wave that surrounds us are the energies of those who have passed through our lives and have moved on to the next realm. Connecting with their spirit and love can bring understanding and closure to ease our hearts and allow you to move forward. 

Divine Energy surrounds you in love, light and joy so you can choose to have the most enjoyable time in your lifetime NOW. You do not need to wait until “things get better,” make them better NOW, by recognizing at least three positive things about your life and the people and activities in it every day. Something even as simple as having water to drink, sunshine, first cup of coffee or tea in the morning, hearing the joy of a child’s laughter, having five minutes to call your own, a devoted pet, beautiful flowers or trees. It is endless.  

As you allow yourselves to make a conscious effort to start recognizing all the POSITIVE aspects of your life, they begin to take prominence in your thoughts, and then grow into positive manifestations! 

Know that YOU are the creator of your environment. YOU have control over how you deal with the energy that surrounds you. USE those positive thoughts to help you relax and enjoy yourself wherever you are. Let the negative recede into the background and shrink into a minor annoyance that you can deal with easily.  

We realize this is easier for some and difficult for others, but TRY – begin to change your LIFE with recognizing all the good things occurring in your life throughout every day. Focus on the positive and bring into your life what you want – LOVE, ABUNDANCE, JOY, LAUGHTER, FUN. Make it happenyou are in control. Believe in yourself!

SUMMER 2024 - Power of Sun and Connecting with Cool Inner Peace
The Sun has been an active one this year. There was the Spring Solstice to warm and renew the earth. Then the total solar eclipse to show us the wonder of the Universe and how all things are connected. And now the heat of the sun is making itself felt all around the world. However, we know all of this is part of the cycle and brings changes to our planet, both good and bad, but it is just that change and growth and cycling to the next phase.

As we fan ourselves and sip a cold drink, consider when it is cool again in a couple of months, what will we do? This is a good time to allow our thoughts to float along and let go of the things we cannot do anything about. And begin to daydream of when it’s cool again, I’m going to.… How do you complete that sentence?

Will the cool air energize you to get out and about, or start projects that you have been putting off, or perhaps beginning a new path for your life by trying something new. And think it's also a good time to do something YOU WANT TO DO. Do not put off YOUR dreams and wishes. You have the power to make them bear fruit and fill YOUR path with adventure, joy, love, and more. Make it happen!

WINTER 2023 - Solstice, Reflection, Peace
Besides the holidays, we are experiencing the Winter Solstice this month and it is a time of self-reflection, release, wonderment, great peace, and joy. For as our year nears its transition into the New Year, we are reminded of all that we have learned and acquired from what we have experienced.

We take forward with us ONLY that which serves us NOW and in the future. That which is experienced and moved forward from remains in the past where it belongs.

Listen. Listen to your inner heart, the intuition, the knowingness of you, follow where your spirit leads in self-respect, self-honor and self-love - as you allow that within yourself, know that you can give the respect, honor and love to those around you, and they in turn pass it one to others and the Light grows, It is your choice to move forward and be your true self, be not afraid of letting others see the real you.

For there is no need to hide the light, the wonder, the beauty of that which each spirit being is. And you are all spirit beings as we are. One with Source, one with God. Let yourself come forth, embrace your oneness and your amazing light. Know, welcome and love that who you truly are: for you are great, and you are LOVED above all. Remember and KNOW you are loved. Eternally. Be at peace. Be in joy. Be that light that is part of All that is.

Retain The Loveand remembrances of your growth and expansion of frequency to feel your evolving power with the Light and know you are one with All that is. We are all part of the Source, and the Source is our center and help guides us for the path to come.

And so it shall be.
Marusa, of the Pleiades

SPRING-SUMMER 2023 Energy's Open!
The power for change is yours NOW. Tap into the Energy Vortex that is surrounding Earth now and through the summer.

The recent five-star planet alignment was the opening and humanity's "cries" and "prayers" for the world to move forward in peace, calmness, and understanding of all peoples has expanded it.

We are beseeching the Divine Energy for more time to make our world better for humanity. The saying power to the people is true! We can all expand and extend this vortex of light energy by being a participant in making our Earth the paradise it is meant to be. We are the change!

Do not wait for someone else to do it, you start right now for YOU. This vortex amplifies what we send into it whether it be spiritual, physical, mental or emotional. So make it wonderful!

Have positive thoughts and ASK for all the good things YOU want in your life NOW, you can manifest your heart's desire: BELIEVE in YOUR Divine connection with Universal Source.

As a part of that Source, you have the power to create the change, be the change, and manifest that what you wish. ALLOW ABUNDANCE, JOY, LOVE, and SERENITY OF BEING ONE WITH ALL THAT IS flow into your heart and soul, feel the complete love that we all deserve.

This Energy Vortex CAN BE EXTENDED to last as long as WE, humanity, want it to by using POSITIVE thoughts and action.
BE THE CHANGE and enjoy all good things!

- Blue of the Pleiades 4/21/23

SPRING 2022 - Fresh Start
The triple 2 (2022) - divine number heralding a new start and positive thoughts manifesting into REALITY - make it so! This year is full of new starts in every aspect of life here on earth. The world is waking up from a 2 year hibernation. It was a time when we all went within (physically and spiritually) to discover what really is important to us and what no longer "works" for us. And we came to realize what we DO WANT in our life. Love. Joy. Friendship. Abundance. Freedom to be our true self, not what others want us to be.

So start anew. Be kind and compassionate towards YOURSELF - then you can be that for others. Be forgiving of self - and be forgiving of others. Be happy and loving to SELF - and give the same to others. Feel the joy of being able to once again experience life by being outside, traveling, visiting family and friends, taking time to enjoy what makes you feel ALIVE - cherish it!

2022 -- a new beginning -- it is up to ALL of us to take this opportunity to create a new, caring, loving, compassionate, joyful world for Earth and the people, animals, and nature who exist here to THRIVE -- Let's make it happen!!

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